How to swap tokens with BroccoliSwap
How to swap tokens with BroccoliSwap
Buy DGNX with AVAX on BroccoliSwap (Avalanche C-Chain network):
Open your crypto wallet and find the DApp browser within.
In the DApp browser's search bar, type in
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Click on the "Connect Wallet" button located in the top right corner of the page. Select your wallet from the options, then choose the specific wallet you wish to connect. Click "connect" to establish the connection to BroccoliSwap with your chosen wallet.
Swapping Cryptocurrencies: Now, let’s swap AVAX for DGNX on the Avalanche Network. Under ‘You Pay’, select "Avalanche Network" and then choose "AVAX". You can search for the token by name, symbol, or contract address. Always verify the correct contract address of the token you're trading. Remember, trading requires native network tokens for gas fees. For example, BNB for Binance Smart Chain, ETH for Ethereum, and AVAX for Avalanche.
In the ‘Receive’ field, also select "Avalanche Network" and then "DGNX". Ensure to verify the contract address here as well. Enter the amount of AVAX you wish to swap in the ‘You Pay’ section. BroccoliSwap will automatically find the best trading route, offering you the best rates by comparing multiple decentralised exchanges.
BroccoliSwap includes an auto-slippage and token-tax calculation feature, though you can manually adjust these if needed in the slippage settings above the swap interface. Once satisfied with the details, click the "swap" button at the bottom of the page.
- The approval transaction allows the broccoliSwap permission to swap the token you granted approval for from your wallet. You have to complete an approval transaction for every token you want to swap using BroccoliSwap. This transaction requires network fees. (This message is a Permit2 signature).
Click ‘swap’ again, you’ll get a confirmation message if successful. If it fails, follow the on-screen instructions from BroccoliSwap for troubleshooting.
Checking Your Wallet: You should now see the DGNX tokens from the swap in your crypto wallet.
Add DGNX as Custom Token in Your Wallet
If DGNX is not visible in your wallet, add DGNX as a custom token using the information provided below for Avalanche or Ethereum networks.
- Avalanche
- Ethereum
DGNX - Avalanche C-Chain
Contract: 0x51e48670098173025c477d9aa3f0eff7bf9f7812
Symbol: DGNX
Decimals: 18
DGNX - Ethereum Mainnet
Contract: 0x0000000000300dd8B0230efcfEf136eCdF6ABCDE
Symbol: DGNX
Decimals: 18
For specific guides on how to add custom tokens to your wallet, follow the link below for your wallet provider: