STAKEX - How to Upstake
Upstaking is a feature available for STAKEX Staking Solutions that are offering more than one reward pool with different locking periods. It enables the stakers to upgrade their stake to join a pool that has a higher lock period than the pool they are in right now.
These are the steps:
Look up for the NFT you want to do an upstake
The claim button shows a caret down. You have to click this in order to be prompted with more options available for your stake.
You'll have to press the Restake option
Once you've clicked the Upstake, you will get prompted with a Upstake popup
You've to choose between the available staking pools (2). There are pools show that are not available for selection (1). These options are disabled. After you've selected a valid pool you want to stake your tokens into, you've to check the box to confirm that you're aware of the actions you take with choosing the desired staking pool. The "Claiming Rewards" section enables you (4) to selected what assets (5) you want to payout the overlaying rewards. You've a list of amounts that will show you the estimated claim amount (7) you're about to claim with this action. When the staking has configure a fee for upstaking, you'll also see the desired fee you have to pay (6) for upstaking your stake.
You also have another option what you can do with your existing rewards. If you disable the "Claiming Rewards" option (4.1), your rewards will be added to your new upstaked stake (4.2)
Now you can proceed the process by clicking the "Upstake" button, follow the instructions and enjoy your new stake.
Your previous NFT gets burned and a new one is minted.